Moments of silence for the Tsunami victims
Year 2004 has seen many natural calamities. The latest being the strongest earthquake with the epicentre near Aceh, Indonesia and the Tsunami that it induced in the Indian Ocean region. Many lives has been lost in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand & Myanmar.
The interesting was only the Meteorological stations in the Pacific rim (Hawaii etc) that monitors Tsunami & earth movement discover and forewarn the coming of the earthquake & Tsunami. The victim countries were probably not equipped or even know how to handle such clamities. This has left many victims and casualty to the unexpected coming of the Natural killer. I thought more could have been done to minimise loss of properties, resources and of course precious human lives. People die more of ignorance that be killed by the strong forces at work. In a shocking scene over the news, I even saw people gathering at the beach to watch the wave of huge tidal waves washing ashore. They probably do not know the magnitude and dangers that they may not live to retell the scenary, though majestic, is also lethal & deadly as the ebb receded with all in their path.
Allow me to introduce the image of the mappleleaf as a symbol of peace in our normal natural environement. Let's observe a minute of silence for all victims and their families & friends that suffers the bereavement and loss.